Delivering More.

McCormack Suny clients benefit from our unparalleled expertise and realize extraordinary results for their complex legal matters.
MCS Team working

The Boston-based law firm of McCormack Suny is a boutique law firm focusing on commercial real estate, complex business litigation and corporate advice. We are known for providing clients with the highest quality legal services typically associated with the largest law firms, while delivering the personalized attention and efficiency that is associated with a boutique firm. 

The success of the firm is attributed to McCormack Suny’s client-centric approach. The firm’s size allows us to remain nimble, while our breadth of experience allows us to assist clients with their diverse and complex legal needs. Our efficient business model enables us to maintain perspective on what is important for each client in each matter and provide sensible and cost-effective advice. This is why many of the firm’s largest clients hire us to navigate their thorniest problems and most sensitive matters.

Our clients range from large national firms to closely held private companies, start-ups and high net worth individuals.

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